
Elisabeth Gouguenheim

Research and Corporate Assistant

Elisabeth Gouguenheim studied interpretation and translation at the Institut Supérieur d’Interprétariat et de Traduction in Paris, France. She started working in the medical and clinical research field in 1988 as medical and administrative assistant to Professor J.M. Saudubray, Head of the Department of Pediatric Neurology, Metabolism & Endocrinology, at Hopital Necker Enfants-Malades, Paris. She actively contributed to the setting up and development of a world- leading expert clinic in pediatric inherited metabolic diseases. From 2007 to 2012, she worked as research executive assistant to the newly created biotherapy department headed by Professor M. Cavazzana at Hopital Necker, where she expanded her experience in the administration of clinical and translational research, from bench to the bedside. She joined MedDay in September 2013 as the Research and Corporate Assistant.

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